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Everybody knows that abortion is a controversial issue, which cannot be resolved completely. This is a good example of a moral dilemma, when you should select the better variant, when both are not the one you like. That is why there exist a lot of argumentative essay topics on abortion that people write on.
Thesis statement is an important element of an essay, as it introduces your specific topic and point of view in brief. If you want to learn how to write a thesis statement for an essay qualitatively, you should be aware of its common structure and features.
Abortion is an example of the moral dilemma issues, when you cannot be fully sure in your decision. Both: people, who are for it, and those, who are against, have good arguments to support their side. While writing a persuasive speech against abortion, you should also show the weak sides of the opposite opinion.
Internet plays an important role in our life, as it takes quite a lot of time at home and at work. Also, Internet contains information about world and everyone can benefit from it for self-development. As you can see, there are a lot of things to write about while working on an essay about Internet.