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Critical essay: topics and basic writing rules

Critical essay is a type of writing that is aimed on examining, evaluating and criticizing a subject. The subjects for critical essays are various, beginning with criticizing a story or a book. Also, you can elaborate various social, economic, or political topics. The one important point to consider in critical writing is that you are expected to present your personal position on the topic, which, nevertheless, has to stay objective and unbiased. In our article you will find a list of ideas for the topic and some basic critical essay’s requirements.

Topics for the critical essay.

  • Topics about literature
  • Dynamics in character development (basing on the novel you have read)
  • Critical analysis of the scene of a dramatic play
  • Novel’s setting
  • Evaluation of the critical dialogue in the novel
  • Detailed analysis of the poem (using close reading method)
  • Analysis of the static character
  • Critique of the irony as a method of writing short stories.

Note: all the topics should be based on the actual material, which you have read and can bring as an example.

Topics about Movies and TV programs

  • The worst movie which you have ever seen
  • The best movie
  • Evaluation of the movie, based on the book. (Make sure that you have read the book so can provide a high quality comparison and examination)
  • Critical analysis of the TV program based on real events
  • Analysis of the two movies based on the same book or story.
  • Examination of the game show
  • Social topics
  • Poverty in your country
  • Social safety of disabled people
  • Gay marriages and their influence on society
  • Single-parent families
  • Divorces and their impact on children upbringing
  • Gender discrimination and gender roles
  • Topics about culture
  • National assimilation and its impact on culture
  • Multicultural families
  • Multinational identity
  • Culture shock
  • Preserving folk culture
  • Ethnic music and its development nowadays.

Writing tips on critical paper completion.

  • Critical writing involves not only criticizing but also proper summarizing, evaluating and analysis of your subject.
  • First of all, you should provide the reader with a brief summary of what you are actually talking about. Give a clear explanation of the performance, authors, doers, action, place, time and character of the discussed issue. This will help your reader understand the topic and, therefore, your paper better.
  • Evaluation involves your assessing of significance and the role of the subject. Remember that you decide about the light, which your topic will be presented in. Thus, you should evaluate it thoroughly and provide and unbiased and objective opinion.
  • Analysis will require you to break the subject into smaller units and find out their functions and character. Be sure to explain the connections between them.
  • Each argument, which you state, must be supported with examples and facts. For example, if you are criticizing a book you are expected to include quotations from it in order to support your points.
  • The suitable structure for critical essay is typically a 5 paragraph essay that includes an introduction, main body paragraphs and a conclusion.

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